This “Celebratory Sculpture” of Adam, Eve and Child in clay created by renowned ceramicist, Tania Babb, has a silky and earthy porcelain, matte finish which absorbs the light instead of reflecting it. This makes her piece “clean and quiet,” as Babb intended. Every single ceramic work is one-of-a-kind and handmade with no two quite alike.
ROAM is enraptured with the delicately fine details that also endow a solidness that this master ceramicist has created. Each piece is a meaningful work where Babb captures relationships with her subjects-both human and animal. As Babb has said, “Pets sit self-assured next to their owners… women sit astride hulking African animals – totems of the power they have brought forth… women dance with wild abandon only they can hear… celebrating freedom: couples stand arm-in-arm.”
Handmade in Cape Town, South Africa.
Height: 5"